
Virales Video „Ausgewachsener Bär klettert auf einen Baum um einen Jäger bei seiner Arbeit im Wald in der Nähe von Red Bank, Pennsylvania zu beobachten“

Video auf Rumble: <link>
Originaltitel: „Bear Climbs Tree with Hunter“
Beschreibung des Nutzers: „Around 3:20 an illegal buck ran underneath my stand. Even though he was illegal I followed him behind me by turning around in my stand, standing up, and watching him through the Y in the tree. He stopped and looked back. I could tell he was looking beyond me, almost through me, as he was on a hill 20 yards from me and parallel. Looking back I should have known something more threatening than me was near. The deer ran off and I turned around and sat down. Looking across the way I could see a black mass rolling down the opposing hillside. He walked straight over to my stand and started playing with the sting I use to pull up my crossbow. That is where the video picks up.“


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